Double cab tax rules

HMRC has published new guidance regarding a change in the interpretation of how Double-Cab Pickup (DCPU) vehicles should be classified for car benefit, capital allowances and some deductions from business profits purposes.

double cab tax rules

Previously, HMRC accepted that if the payload of a DCPU was 1 tonne or more, it was a goods vehicle, not a car, and therefore qualified for beneficial capital allowances and benefit in kind treatment.

Following the government’s announcement in Autumn Budget 2024, from April 2025 (first for companies, sixth for individuals), HMRC will no longer apply the payload test and instead consider the vehicle’s primary suitability when it was constructed. As DCPUs are ‘dual-purpose’ they are not primarily suited to carrying goods or burden and so will be classed as cars.

Transitional arrangements are in place, so if you are considering purchasing a DCPU, bear in mind that ordering a DCPU prior to 6 April 2025 could ensure that the more attractive benefit in kind tax treatment that applies to goods vehicles is available for a few more years. For capital allowances purposes, entering into a contract to purchase a DCPU prior to 1/6 April 2025 will secure the beneficial capital allowances treatment for goods vehicles, provided the date the obligation to pay for the DCPU is before 1 October 2025.

Please get in touch with us if you would like to chat about the double cab tax rules further.


Pre financial year end tax planning