Do you need our tax investigation insurance this year?
We trust you received our letter regarding our tax investigation insurance. We encourage our clients to invest in this protection - especially in a year when COVID-19 investigations will be apparent.
How we can protect you
Fee protection up to £125,000 (this year the protection will cover furlough investigations too)
Excellent 24 hour legal helpline, covering employment law, health and safety and commercial issues.
Whether it’s a tax or VAT visit, a technical challenge or a detailed books and records enquiry, our tax investigations service is designed to get you a fair result. It is why we strongly recommend that all our clients consider subscribing.
For an annual charge, you can rest assured that you are protected against the professional costs associated with an HMRC enquiry.
How to apply
Simply complete the response form included with the letters sent this week, and return it with your payment before 23rd June 2020 to ensure you are covered from 23rd June to 2020 to 30th June 2021.
We recommend that you take advantage of this invaluable service. Even if you’ve done nothing wrong, anyone can be selected. No business is too small or too large for HMRC to challenge.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us.